What You'll Learn:
The experience of the modern woman is increasingly nebulous. Despite massive achievements in gender relations throughout many countries, women are plagued by seemingly divergent demands—to live as devoted wives and mothers and to idealize professional goals as employees and leaders. As both a mother of two and the chief operating officer of Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg diagnoses a perilous trend created by this divide. As a result of a false dichotomy, the upper echelons of nearly every industry lack women leaders—an absence that impacts women all over the world. Drawing from a range of statistics and her own experience, Sandberg unearths practical steps women can take to unlatch themselves from deeply ingrained beliefs and achieve success in both their personal and their professional lives.
Key Insights:
- To bridge the “leadership ambition gap,” women need to assess the way they view themselves.
- Pull up a chair and participate—doubt doesn’t end for your career to begin.
- Powerful women aren’t always the most “likable”—not by society’s standards at least.
- Women don’t have to limit themselves in their careers to pursue families.
- Feminism isn’t dead or unnecessary—women and the workplace must bring gender into the conversation.